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Monday, September 21, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.


All the dead will rise, "those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of judgment."Catechism of the Catholic Church 998.


We all are praying from some days or months or years. But the question we have to ask ourselves is whether we are preparing ourselves everyday to face Jesus on the day of Judgement.


When we are prayers we think our life will change automatically but the truth is nothing is going to change automatically unless we work hard for it and only if we do not quit.


We have to work hard every day to give up our sins or bad habits which can make us go astray, This will take a serious commitment and firm decision from our side to stand for God and reject evil and His ways.


It is very easy to fall into temptations but it is very difficult to resist it. We have to understand as humans we do not have any intention of doing good because of our selfishness. The moment we connect with God we will start doing good in a small way we can.


We have analyze our life and see the wrongs we are doing everyday and we have to try to give up with the help of God. We do not have too much time to put forward. We have to start working in all the areas we have failed in the past so that we will overcome all our sin one by one.


As we move forward with a contrite heart God will show us more things we are thinking wrong or speaking wrong or doing wrong which without questioning we have to change so that He will reveal more areas.


Let us make our decision where we want to live after our death. We do not have choice after our death but we have choice right now when we are living. Let us chose wisely so that we may not regret on the day of judgement.


We will be receiving our judgement either to hell for eternity or to purgatory temporary or to heaven eternally. If we want to live with Jesus in heaven eternally we have to practice the same when we are living on this earth.


If we do not know Jesus when we are living on this earth then it will not be possible to live with Him forever. Let us start building our life according to the Word of God so that our life will be pleasing to God.


Date: 21:09:2020.

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