Today you confess your sins and tomorrow you again commit the sins which you confessed.
One moment you resolve to be careful,and yet after an hour you act as though you made no resolution--IMITATION OF CHRIST.
We are all sinners that is why we have fallen short of the Glory of God. Most of us sin and we do not feel anything wrong in it because of the fruits of the flesh powerfully present in us. Some of us feel bad about our sins and we go for confessions regularly and we do not work on giving up sins but only handpicked few of us try our level best to give up sins and also avoid occasions of falling into sin.
We go for confessions regularly but do not work hard to identify the sins in our life so that we can work towards giving up that particular sin. But many of us don't even examine our life and see which sin is blocking our way which leads us towards God.
We go for confessions and after coming out we make resolution not to commit sins but after a while our flesh will again make us commit the same sins again.
Main reason of not giving up sins is we are not having hatred towards it and we are enjoying pleasure of sin. When we start living according to the Word of God then surely we will die to our selfishness and because of dying to our selfishness we are less drawn towards sin and more towards God and His Word.
We all have to examine our life and see whether we are strong in the flesh or in the Spirit. If we are strong in flesh then we will be cultivating sinful life no matter how often we go to church. If we are strong in Spirit then surely we will be cultivating holy life which will attract God towards us.
Let us make firm decision to live by the Spirit and enjoy God's presence rather than living by flesh and getting destroyed.
Date: 30:11: 2019.
Word of God clearly says in WISDOM 9:14- For the reasoning of mortals is worthless, and our designs are likely to fail;
Reasoning is one of the biggest enemy of faith. Reasoning is done by connecting our soul and mind and because of this we start reasoning in our minds about the solutions that is delayed or the problems that are building up in our life.
When we start reasoning it is sure that we are going to miss the miracle. Our reasoning will always be based on what we see and not on what we want to see.
By reasoning we will not get any Benefits out of it but it acts as a uprooter of our miracles which we were to receive from God.
Even we may be very good in prayers but if we reason in our mind we can be sure that we cannot grow mature in faith.
Faith demands from us courage,confidence and conviction so that there may be no place for reasoning in our life.
Because of reasoning many people's plans have failed . Many think
that they can pray and make God implement their plans. But the truth is God may do it for some but for most He may not do because God has great plans for them.
When we are reasoning and our plans fail then we will be thinking to implement plan B when plan A fails. But the truth is there is no plan A & B in the kingdom of God but only one plan for all. If the plan is not working then surely we are having lack of Faith.
If our plans fail then surely we should know that God has got bigger and better plan for us.
Let us from today make decision not to reason in our minds and lose our miracles but allow God to work something better in our life.
Date: 29: 11: 2019.
Word of God clearly says in 1 PETER 2:24- He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that, free from sins, we might live for righteousness; by His wounds you have been healed.
Jesus carried our sins by getting flogged, scourging, slapped,spit upon, crowned with thorns, carried the cross, nailed on the cross and by dying on the cross.
But the question we need to ask ourself is whether we know all the pains Jesus went through for our sins or we Ignore and live a life of sin like unbelievers.
If suffering comes our way with very less intensity than Jesus we start complaining, grumbling and also rebelling against God. When Jesus carried all the pains for our good then we also have to carry all the pains coming in our life for our purification from sins.
Jesus did all this act so that we may be free from sins and live a life doing right according to the Word of God. We instead of doing right we get influenced by the world and start doing wrongs and because of this many of us are battling with sickness or disease.
After battling with sickness or disease most of us believe that God is going to heal us which will never happen. According to the Word of God it clearly says we have been healed. If we have been healed then why many are sick still. The answer is most of them believe more in doctor and medicine without questioning or without asking proof but when it comes to believe God and His Word same people demand proof and also ask questions.
As long as our faith is in medicine and doctor God cannot work miracles but when our faith is in God and His Word surely God will heal us.
God can heal us either through medicine if we are having weak faith and our soul is not well or supernaturally if our faith is strong and our soul is healthy.
Date: 28:11:2019.
Word of God clearly says in 2 CHRONICLES 20:12- O our God, will you not execute judgment upon them? For we are powerless against this great multitude that is coming against us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.”
We are all going through different kinds of problems or sickness or disease in our life.
Everything which is happening in our life will not happen without the knowledge and consent of God. God knows very clearly about our situation but the question we need to ask ourself is whether our focus is on problems or on God.
If our focus is on problems we can be very sure to live a defeated life and if our focus is on God we can be sure of living a victorious life.
Devil and his army will come against us to afflict us with problems and sickness but after we are afflicted if our eyes are on Jesus surely we can overcome it.
we have to understand that every good, bad and ugly situations in our life is allowed by God for a purpose. Once that purpose is accomplished then surely God will restore everything which is lost and we will receive double portion as Job did.
If our focus is on problems we will be having fear, confusion, worry, anxiety , impatience and also depression.
If our focus is on Jesus then we will be having Faith, conviction, confidence, peace, joy and single mindedness.
Choice is ours whether to focus on problems and make our problems worst or focus on Jesus and get solutions for our problems small or big.
Date: 27:11: 2019.
Word of God clearly says in 1 TIMOTHY 4:12-- Let no one despise your youth, but set the believers an example in speech and conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.
We as believers in Jesus Christ have to grow in discipline in our thoughts, our words and also our deeds. Without this it is impossible for us to guide others to do the same.
Initially because of the influence of the world and desires of our flesh we cultivate language of the world which is corrupt,impure, abusive and swearing. When we start our journey with God we need to ask help of the Lord to give up the language of the world and start developing the language of faith, love, purity and encouragement in our life.
In this world because of cultivating the language of the world we may make many enemies but when we start cultivating the language of faith,love,purity and encouragement we make lots of friends.
We have to always try to imitate Jesus when He was on this earth and we should not imitate people around us to grow strong in our spiritual life.
We have to practice daily to live a life of faith, love, purity and encouragement so that we may set example to the believers so that they may see Jesus in us and glorify Him.
To cultivate the life of faith,love,purity and encouragement we have to have strong foundation of the Word of God and also we need to practice daily applying the Word of God in our life.
Date: 26: 11: 2019.
Word of God clearly says in JOHN 1:16-17-- From his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. The law indeed was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
In today's generation most of the people do not have fear of the Lord and also many other take God for granted when everything is going on well in their life.
Because of this we see today people coming to church with mobile on and also many girls and woman dressing immodestly.
When we are taking God for granted and do not have fear of the Lord then it is very easy for us to commit any sin big or small.
Before Jesus Christ came to this earth we have seen punishment for committing sins like great flood or rain of sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah or biting of serpents or earth swallowing the rebelling people or people perishing in the desert and not entering promise land or exile to Babylon.
After Jesus came on this earth and He suffered and died on the cross we are not seeing these serious punishments only because after Jesus death on the cross He transferred us from law to Grace.
Through Jesus fullness we have received Grace upon Grace. The question we need to ask ourself is whether we have received Grace by believing in Jesus or missed His Grace by believing more on men.
Jesus sacrifice on the cross of Calvary helped us to reconcile with God and also qualified us to stand boldly in the presence of God.
Grace of God is not given to us because we did something good but it is given to us to fill the gap which is required for our qualification to receive His blessing.
Let us do our best to live a life of holiness by going to confession and fasting regularly and also spend time before God in a worthy manner and grow in the Grace of God.
Date: 25: 11: 2019.
Word of God clearly says in DEUTERONOMY 28:2--all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, if you obey the Lord your God:
We all go to church or retreats or novenas or prayer meeting. after going here for long time also most of us do not know the meaning of BLESSING OF GOD.
Blessing of GOD means favour and protection of God in our life. Favour means everything which we do not deserve but God has given us and protection from all dangers.
In today's world people think good health, good family, good children, good job, good bank balance is the blessings from God. But the truth is all this is not blessings but fruit of the blessings.
As per today's generation people think that they will be blessed by God only by going to church or retreats or novenas or prayer meeting but the truth is we are going to be blessed by God only when we obey His Word.
When we disobey God's Word every easy situations in our life will become difficult and also impossible to overcome but when we start obeying God's Word then every impossible and difficult situations in our life will become easy for us to overcome.
We are called to chase God and His Word then surely blessings of God will chase us and also overtake us..
Let's not go to church or retreats or novenas or prayer meeting and listen to the word of God and get deceived instead let's learn to obey the word of God.
Date: 24-11- 2019.
True peace of heart, then is found in resisting passions, not in satisfying them.
There is no peace for carnal man, in the man given to vain attractions,
But there is peace in the fervent and spiritual man.--IMITATION OF CHRIST.
Peace is one of the most important fruits of the Holy Spirit we need to cultivate in our life by being obedient to the Word of God in every good and bad situations of our life.
It is very easy to say to others to be at peace in their problems but it is difficult to maintain peace when we go through the same.
If our foundation is the Word of God we will not lose our peace easily but if our foundation is desires of the flesh and pleasures of the world then we will lose our peace easily. Once we lose our peace we are opening the door for devil to enter our life with his lies and deceit.
Enemy cannot defeat us in any battle if we keep our peace continuously. When we are going through failures we think we can live in peace when we are successful but the truth is peace doesn't depend on success or failure in the world but it depends on our confidence and complete trust in God's Word.
If we are carnal minded that is we know the truth and believe in it but we do not obey and do what the truth says then surely we will not have peace in our life. Only when we are spiritual minded that is we know the truth and believe in it and we will obey and do as the truth says then surely we will be in constant peace all the time.
let us not lose our peace and fall trap to the plans of the enemy instead Let us be at peace so that all the plans of the enemy fails in our life.
Date:23: 11: 2019.
Word of God clearly says in PSALM 139:7-- Where can I go from your spirit?
Or where can I flee from your presence?
We all have gone astray from the Lord at one or the other time in our life and thought in our mind that we can live a sinful life hiding.
The truth is we can live a sinful life hiding from the people and fool them but it is impossible to hide from the Lord.
Lord is omnipresent that is why HE is present everywhere on this earth at the same time and He watches every action of ours and it is impossible to hide from the Lords Spirit or flee from His presence.
Many of us come to prayers because of some problems in our life or because of the sickness of our loved ones , after praying also if the disaster strikes us or if we loose our loved ones we start questioning and rebelling against God because He didn't listen to our prayers.
Rebelling and going away from the Lord will bring in our life so many consequences and more problems.
We have to understand when we decide to walk away from the Lord then surely we will meet with the devil and his companions who will take us on the journey where they will steal all our blessings, kill our good values and destroy everything God has given us.
It's better to accept God's will and stay with Him rather than flee away from His presence and get destroyed.
Date: 22-11-2019.
Word of God clearly says in GALATIANS 6:7-- Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for you reap whatever you sow.
We all are going through different kinds of situations and the main reason for most of the situations in our life is because of the wrong seeds we have sown and the situation is the harvest.
We all speak about sickness with others when we are going through it and after sometime that same sickness becomes more because of what we have spoken.
Everything in our life will either happen good or bad according to what we speak. If we sow hatredness we cannot expect harvest of love or if we sow arrogance we cannot expect harvest of kindness or if we sow sickness we cannot expect harvest of health or if we sow abuse we cannot expect harvest of goodness.
Whatever we sow we will reap the same. God has given us freewill to choose to either speak His Word on daily basis and experience the harvest according to His Word or we can speak about the problems of our life and experience the harvest of problems according to what we have spoken.
God is not responsible for anything wrong happening in our life but we are solely responsible because we are the ones who have opened our mouth and spoken about the problems instead of speaking the solutions and we are the ones who have spoken about sickness instead of speaking the Word of God which brings health to our body.
We have to be alert all the time when we are speaking to others and be sure that we will speak about solutions and not about problems.
Everyone we speak will be interested to listen about our problems and walk away without doing anything to solve it.
Let us from today learn to speak to the problem by speaking the Word of God again and again till the problem is solved instead of speaking with others and making our problem big.
Date: 21:11:2019.
Word of God clearly says in MALACHI 3:10-- Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in my house, and thus put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts; see if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you an overflowing blessing.
In today's church people are not generous because they do not cultivate the habit of tithing and because of this many of the people's life are broken.
Tithe means 1/10 of our income. For example if we are earning 10,000 then per month 1000 goes to the Lord and 9000 for us. But the reality is even if we earn in lakhs we give hundreds and tens to the church or retreat center or ministry or any organization and rest we spend on ourselves.
By doing this for long time pests are going to attack our life in the form of sickness or fines or addictions and many more where all our money goes out of our hands.
God is asking us to put Him to test only in this scripture. We have to trust in the Lord and do tithing as He says so that He will open the Windows of heaven and give us everything we need the most at this hour.
When we do tithing we will be growing in generosity and because of our generous approach God will save us from falling trap to selfishness.
Let us from today make up our mind and give tithes every month so that work of our hands is blessed,our health is blessed and all other areas of our life is blessed by God.
Whatever God has said in His Word we have to obey and without judging the church or retreat center or ministry or any organization let us give cheerfully and not by compulsion.
Date: 20:11:2019.
Word of God clearly says in 2 CORINTHIANS 4:4-- In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
god of this world that is devil has trapped so many people with different things so that their mind may not understand anything about the kingdom of God.
The main reason the devil keeps us in darkness is because of the threat he may face from us because of seeing the light of the gospel.
Most of the people in this world are kept in darkness by devil and his agents so that they may do everything of the kingdom of darkness and nothing of God's kingdom.
Many do not even know that they are in the kingdom of darkness and believe that they are on the right way not according to the Word of God but according to the world.
More time we are in darkness we develop a habit of doing everything as per the kingdom of darkness and we will not have any interest to know about kingdom of light because the devil has blinded our mind.
That is why in this world we see most of the people going through miseries because of being part of the kingdom of darkness. We have to understand that the moment you understand about Jesus and His ways and start following it with commitment the entire army of hell may come against us but they will not have victory over us because we have Jesus in us.
Let's be careful and alert when we type god instead of God we unknowingly glorify the devil. Let's know that God stands for Almighty God and god stands for devil.
Date:19: 11: 2019.
Word of God clearly says in EPHESIANS 4:26-27-- Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and do not make room for the devil.
We are all humans and we are all going through one or the other weaknesses and because of this, some get angry without any reason, some get angry for silly reasons, some get angry when they hear certain words and some get angry once in a while.
The main reason for our anger is the fruits of the flesh inside us and also our inability to manage certain situations.
When we are angry some stay angry for years, some stay angry for months, some stay angry for days ,only few stay angry for hours and very few stay angry for minutes.
We all because of anger have fallen trap to bad habits or vices or addictions or gossiping. Because of anger we are able to go to any level to vent it out. Because of 5 minutes of wrathful anger some are going through consequences and many are in the prison from years for comiting crime because of anger.
We need to understand that no matter for what reason we get angry with others we need to reconcile with them before the day is over or else we are giving opportunity to the devil to make our small problems big.
We also have to understand that if we living with anger daily, no matter how many times we go to church or retreats or prayer meetings or we say prayers at our houses we will not grow in God's righteousness.
Let us try to be silent when we listen to shouting or blaming or persecution or when we are ill treated by others for the sake of Jesus then surely because of our bearing of the pain anger will subside in us.
Let us also read and apply the word of God in our life so that we may get out of the fruits of the flesh and grow in the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
If we get angry also and if it is not our fault also let us try our best to reconcile before the sun goes down or else we will give opportunity to the devil to strike us.
Date: 18:11:2019.
Word of God clearly says in TOBIT 12:8-- Prayer with fasting is good, but better than both is almsgiving with righteousness. A little with righteousness is better than wealth with wrongdoing. It is better to give alms than to lay up gold.
God's word clearly says that righteousness and almsgiving is better than fasting and praying.
We all go to church or retreats or prayer meeting week after week and get blessed by God in many ways but the question we need to ask ourselves is whether we are growing in righteousness and generosity.
If we are not generous in giving alms then surely we are selfish keeping everything to ourself which we will lose one or the other day or leave it for others when we die.
We have to cultivate a lifestyle of giving rather than receiving. We need to look around us for people who are going through problems. If we help them in their need God will help us in our need.
To grow in righteousness is not easy as we think but the road is very difficult that's why only few walk in it. To grow in righteousness we first need to know the Word of God thoroughly and secondly we have to practice applying the Word of God in our daily life so that we may grow in righteousness.
We also have to cultivate a life of prayer daily and also fast every week in designated days that is Wednesday or Friday or Saturday or all 3 days. When we do fasting and prayer we grow in God's knowledge faster.
Let us get ourself involved in prayers,fasting, almsgiving and righteous life by doing this all the works of the enemy and selfishness will be destroyed from our life and help us to grow in Godliness.
Date: 17: 11: 2019.
Word of God clearly says in 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8- For God did not call us to impurity but in holiness. Therefore whoever rejects this rejects not human authority but God, who also gives his Holy Spirit to you.
God is calling everyone to walk in the path of holiness but the devil will take us for a ride in the path of impurities so that we may not become holy.
Holiness doesn't come automatically because we are in prayers but we have to strive for it by saying No to every thought of impurity coming to us from the devil.
Devil will bring us thoughts of watching impure movies or see impure pictures or read impure books or chat with indecent friends so that we may fall trap for impurities.
Initially because of lack of knowledge and also because of the fruits of Holy Spirit not growing in us, we listen to the devil easily and do either one of the things and by doing this surely lust inside us will increase and reach to the level out of our control and because of this many start with masturbation to relieve themselves and if this continues for long then surely it will end up with fornication or adultery.
Devil is also very clever and he knows the punishment for the sin against the body that is why he traps everyone young and old in impurities, so that they may not grow in holiness after going to church or retreats or prayers for long years.
If we do not put a stop to sins against our body that is the body of Christ and also temple of Holy Spirit then surely we are rejecting God's call which can be very dangerous for us.
Let us put it into practice from today to think, see, read and watch which is going to lead us holiness. We have to understand without holiness we cannot see the Lord.
Date: 16:11:2019.
Word of God clearly says in SIRACH 12:9-- One’s enemies are friendly when one prospers, but in adversity even one’s friend disappears.
We are all having friends and best friends in our life. When everything is going on well in our life friends,best friends and friends of our friends will be coming close to us not because they love us but they want to get benefited from us either because we are rich or we are successful.
We may have hidden enemies also along with our friends who try to become close to us but because of lack of alertness we fail to recognize them. All these people will be in our life only till everything is going well.
Once something happens and there is loss of job or loss in business and when we climb down from the ladder of success then first our enemies start moving out of our life and start conspiring against us and then friends of friends, friends and also best friends will also move out of our life.
Many of them who were calling us daily will never bother to call us and also never bother to attend our call.
Only one we can trust and depend in the time of our adversity is JESUS. He is the only one who will be by our side in every situation and help us to overcome it.
We need learn our lessons and be close to Jesus only and make Him our best friend so that we may not face similar situation like before in the future.
We have to love everyone around us as they are as the Lord has commanded us but let us not trust anyone easily and get deceived.
Date: 15:11:2019.
Word of God clearly says in HEBREWS 1:14-- Are not all angels spirits in the divine service, sent to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation?
God's word clearly says that angels are sent by God to minister to us and also to serve us but the question we need to ask ourselves is how many of us know it.
We many a times in midst of our problems we break down thinking we are alone. Many of us do not know that God has given every one of us Guardian angel to enlighten us when we do not understand, to guide us when we are lost and also to protect us from all evil and His agents.
We have to ask help of angels and guardian angels in our daily life so that we may not think that we are alone but along with us angels and guardian angels are present.
Angels and guardian angels do not work on their own but always wait for our instructions. Without we telling them they will not do nothing.
Let's from today ask help of angels and guardian angels in our difficult time and they will definitely obey and ask God the same and enlighten us or guide us or protect us according to what we ask them help.
When we take help of angels and guardian angels and walk forward then surely we will walk towards salvation. Salvation means 100% of everything we need on this earth to live a holy and righteous life ,along with that we will also attain eternal life after our journey on this earth comes to an end.
14: 11: 2019.