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Monday, May 11, 2020


Word of God says in Romans 5:6-7- For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly.  Indeed, rarely will anyone die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person someone might actually dare to die.

Jesus died on the cross when we were weak and sinners so that through His obedience to GOD the Father even to His death on the cross He has made us righteous but the real question we have to ask ourselves is how many of us believe.

 JESUS died to redeem all the sinners from the hands of the devil and He also cried from the cross FATHER FORGIVE THEM THEY DO NOT KNOW WHAT THEY DO. By doing this He even reconciled to GOD those who persecuted and killed Him.

In our daily life if we are told to die for righteous person we will not be ready for it. Forget about dying even we are not ready to help the righteous person in problem. Today’s generation are becoming selfish and because of this selfishness they only care about themselves and regarding others they really do not care.

GOD has given us opportunity to share with others the good we have been blessed with. In the midst of global crisis at least now let’s open our eyes and reach to the needy. If we cannot die like Jesus at least let us help others in need around us so that we may become blessing in their life and glorify GOD for giving us the opportunity to love them.

Many of us may be in distress because of this global crisis. One person speaking the words of encouragement is more worth than donating lakhs and taking pictures and spreading in media.

Date: 11:05:2020.

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