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Thursday, May 7, 2020


“At the day of judgement we shall not be asked what we have read but what we have done.” The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A Kempis.

We are all living in this world full of different people like believers, non believers, rich, poor, proud, humble, kind, unkind, healthy, sick and so on.

When we are living in midst of so many different kinds of people there is a possibility that we may be influenced by them and become one like them or we can become unique by living according to the Word of GOD.

Most of us try to imitate people around us and commit many errors and because of errors instead of living long life our life is cut short on earth.

We have to understand that all are given equal chance to imitate the Word of GOD but most of us prefer only to read it and feel good about it and when it comes to obeying it we are walking away from it.

We have to understand God will not ask us how many hours we have read the bible or how many times we have gone to church but HE will definitely ask us after reading Bible or going to church what good we have done to the least we know around us.

Today people are missing church activities not because they love GOD but because some miss gossiping, some miss criticising, some miss condemning and some miss warming the benches. We have to understand if we are going to church to do one of these things then surely we have to fear everyday of dreadful judgement day.

Let us do some good to others with what we have and then truly GOD will be pleased with our action. We have to understand that faith without works is dead.

Date: 07:05: 2020.

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