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Monday, May 25, 2020


If you would rise, shun luxury, for luxury lowers and degrades. --Saint John Chrysostom.

We all are praying for something or the other and when we are blessed suddenly by GOD, we instead of living simple life we move into higher levels of life seeking luxuries of life.

When we seek the luxuries of life we show to the world that we care more about ourselves and always work for our benefits only. When we live like this we will not be operating with love but we will operate with selfishness.

Luxuries of life look very promising from outside but from inside we are degraded everyday by adding sin to sin. Today those who have lots of money commit more sin than people who have enough. People with lots of wealth think everyday how to spend their wealth in buying expensive things, expensive food, expensive alcohol and throwing party for thousands to show that they are rich.

These type of people are turning the world ugly and selfish. Today charity is dying and caring others is becoming rare. Rich are becoming richer and poor are becoming poorer. God has created rich and poor for the purpose so that rich may lead a simple life and share their excess with less privileged people around them. But in reality it is not happening even now in the time of global crisis.

If we closely watch at the global crisis the people who are mostly affected are rich people because they cannot party or call friends home because of virus. God also knows what’s happening in the world that’s why He put a stop to everything which is destroying the world.

Most of the richest people who are fallen trap to crisis go through depression and some have committed suicide because they do not know to manage stress. Stress cannot be managed with money power but surely with the Word of God.

Let us make a decision today even if we become the richest in our community instead of spending in luxury let us share with the poor and the poorest so that they can eat 3 times food daily.

Date: 25: 05: 2020.

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