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Monday, May 18, 2020


Word of God clearly says in Job 8:7 - Though my beginning was small. My latter days will be great.

We are all because of being bonded with the world most of us had a ordinary life as compared to the living God has promised.

We all according to the word of God have to lead a life of abundance and with most of us we do not see it.

We do not live a life of abundance because we are not ready to go through sufferings joyfully, whenever suffering knocks our door first thing we do is reject it or complain against it or gossip about it.

We have to understand without going through sufferings God has allowed in our life it is next to impossible to live a life of abundance.

We all may had a ordinary beginning because of chasing our dreams but when we learn to chase God by building our confidence around it and with the help of word of God we bear all the sufferings and overcome it surely our latter days will be great.

Everyone of us without having God in our life we had a Small beginning but surely because of having God as the centre of our life our latter days will surely be great and beyond our imagination.

Date: 18: 05: 2020.

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