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Sunday, May 31, 2020


“The Lord bestows His blessings there, where He finds the vessels empty.”  The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A Kempis.

We are all going to blessed by the Lord according to His purpose and plan at one or the other time in our life.

When we are in prayers first thing we have to do is empty ourselves from our selfish desires and pursue desires of the kingdom of God. But the truth is most of us after being in prayers for years we fail miserably.

This is the main reason that most of the Catholics ask for prayers instead of praying themselves. This happens because most of us pray to get material things from God and we are not interested in spiritual growth.

Most of our Catholics flock in retreats, novenas and pilgrimage hoping something good will happen to them automatically because of attending or visiting. But truth is nothing good is going to happen unless we build our confidence around it.

We have to empty our self from all the desires of the world and pleasure of the flesh from inside us so that we may be empty vessels so that God can fill that vessel with His blessings.

Today most of the catholic think good job, good bank balance, good family, good children, good vehicle and good health is blessing from God and because of that they come to church to receive it but in reality These are all fruits of the blessing. Blessing means favour and protection of God.

We may have all the fruit of blessing and if we do not have protection of God, we can lose all the fruits of the blessing in no time. We need favour from God all the time so that we may know that He has given us everything we do not deserve and also protection of God so that we may not only lose the fruits of the blessings but also our life.

Today as we are celebrating feast of Pentecost we have to analyze our life and see whether we have grown in the Kingdom of God, if we think we have grown in the Kingdom of God then we have to check and see how many souls we have brought back to the Kingdom of God who have gone astray. If we have not brought any souls to the kingdom of God after growing then our spirituality is selfish and zero.

Date: 31:05: 2020.

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