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Friday, May 8, 2020


God is the author of sacred scripture because He inspired its human authors; He acts in them and by means of them. He thus gives assurance that their writings teach without error His saving truth. -- Catechism of the Catholic Church 136.

Most of our catholic brothers and sisters are not well versed in scriptures and because of this many are caught in trap set by other denominations showing them that there is something great there and many of our catholic brothers and sisters have migrated in hope of finding something new but unfortunately they have found nothing new.

Catholic church gave us the Holy Bible in 1454- 1455 AD before protestants were born (Protestantism started in 1517 AD) with 73 books, 46 books in the old testament and 27 books in the new testament and other denomination leaders have removed    7 books out it and made it 66 books and spread a lie around the world saying that Catholics have added 7 books and many of our brothers and sisters have believed and fallen trap for it.

GOD is the author of entire Bible and He has inspired many men of GOD to write it down so that it may help us to build our faith around it.

We have been given written Word of GOD so that we may first recite it and then apply the same word in our daily life so that we may become strong and live free from errors. Holy Bible is living and active Word which will help us to build our life on it so that we may not be shaken by storms coming our way but speak the Word of GOD boldly and calm the storms.

Date: 08: 05: 2020.

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