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Sunday, May 24, 2020


To be human, "man's response to God by faith must be free and...Therefore nobody is to be forced to embrace the faith against his will the act of faith is of its very nature a free act."
Catechism of the Catholic Church 160.

Today we see many religions and also many Christian denominations who are more interested in conversion of people who belong to other religion or other denomination into theirs by either by showing them they are something better or by giving money.

Forced conversion of religion or denomination will not do any good to anyone but we have to strive to best in our religion or in our denomination and teach those who belong to live according our faith. We should not bother about people belonging to other religion or denominations because they have their own teachers and they have all right to practice their faith.

Today many of our brothers and sisters have left Catholic Church and joined other denomination or other religion not because they love GOD but because they love money and also fame. If we are going to join any other denomination or other religion for money and fame then surely we will not be satisfied in what we do till the end of our life.

Catholic Church does not allow forced conversion of religion or denomination because we have more than enough Catholics in the world (1.3 billion) so we do not have to add more but the religion or denominations which have less members are the one hunting for more members.

We have to understand that we have to follow whatever religion or denomination we are born into so that we may live in it and also die in it doing something good.

Everything we do let us do with freewill so that we may not join any religion or denomination because of influence of others but strive to excel in our own community.

If we are born in Catholic Church and in midway if we decide to leave Catholic Church it is as good as leaving our house of freedom and start living in somebody’s house under compulsion. Catholic is the faith GOD has allowed us to be born into so that we may practice Catholic faith and also die as a faithful Catholics.

Date: 24:05: 2020.

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