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Wednesday, May 27, 2020


“Learned arguments do not make a man holy and righteous, whereas a good life makes him dear to God.”  The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A Kempis.

In today’s world the biggest arguments we hear is about religion and many religion claim that they are superior than others and this cannot be proven until and unless we possess four main qualities of God.

No matter which religion or denomination we belong first and foremost we have to have greatest quality of God that is Love. Without having love if we claim we are the best then it is as good as making fool out of ourselves in front of others. When we are having love we will be kind to others and also we will be patient with them.

Secondly if we do not possess the quality of God that is mercy then we cannot prove ourselves as best.  If we and all people belonging to our religion or denomination have not grown in mercy then surely we first have to grow in it and then teach others belonging to our religion or denomination the same. God desires mercy as He has said Be merciful as I am merciful.

Thirdly God is lover of peace and if the religion or the denomination we belong do not cultivate peace among ourselves then surely we have not reached to the best but we are still work in progress .We first have to strive to make peace with God and then we have to make peace with everyone around us and When all belonging to our religion or denomination practice peace then we can say boldly that we are the best.

Fourthly God is forgiving unconditionally and if we chose to forgive others unconditionally then we will be imitating God or else its showing that we have not grown in it. Those who do not grow in forgiveness cannot reach height of faith but they will be having crisis in faith all their life.

Let us check our community and see whether all who belong there have fully grown in these four important qualities of God or else let us focus on our self first and grow in these 4 qualities and then teach others in our community the same.

Let us not point fingers at any religion or denominations before making our community perfect. Let us strive in our community to build it for the glory of God and never be a part of any group which is breaking the church into pieces. God is always for Unity and devil is always for division.

We have to understand that judgement is not depending on which religion you belong or which denomination you belong but surely on how we worked in our life towards good.

Date: 27:05: 2020.

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