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Wednesday, May 20, 2020


Word of God says in Romans 12:21 - Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Overcoming evil with good looks promising when it is only words but when we have to put it into action and really do it, every step forward looks impossible.

Today people who are inclined towards evil are many inside the church in disguise and outside those who are doing openly are more in numbers. That is why our challenge to overcome evil with good becomes a uphill task.

We all have got into influence of evil at one or the other point in our life and more days we stay there we will not only get corrupt but also make our neighbourhood corrupt. We think only by going to church and warming the benches we can overcome evil with good but in reality it is next to impossible.

If we have to overcome evil with good then first and foremost we have to make up our mind to fight the battle like a warrior. If not devil will not allow us to overcome but in turn we will become more evil than before.

Word of God is the only help we have to become good and I am very sad to see most of the catholic are not well versed with it, that’s why other denomination people take advantage of us.

Everyone one has good qualities as well as bad qualities but in reality we cannot see because the bad qualities have increased in us. In midst of this global crisis we have seen the worst to worst people turn out to be the best.
Devil and his companions are so busy that they do not allow our good qualities to grow. If our good qualities have to grow then surely we have to grow in the Word of God.

Initially few times we may fail to bring out the good qualities from inside us because of the pressure of the devil, we should not get discouraged or come to conclusion quickly but keep on trying till we succeed. We will surely with the help of the Word of God overcome evil with good.

Date: 20: 05: 2020.

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