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Wednesday, May 13, 2020


He who can preserve gentleness amid pains, and peace amid worry multitude of affairs, is almost perfect. – Saint Francis De Sales.

We are all going through difficult times right now because of global crisis. This is the right time we will know whether we are really grown spiritually after going to church regularly or we are same like others who are not in prayers.

We all can act like we are gentle when everything is good in our life, Moment something goes wrong our gentleness will turn into cruelty. Through difficult situations God exposes our real nature so that we may know the truth about ourselves. We are all going to go through pains in our life, for some it will be today for some in the coming days, No matter when the pain comes in our life it will expose our real character to others around us.

We may put all possible fakeness and fool others around us but to fool God it is next to impossible. We have to understand when we cannot fool God it is of no use fooling others around us. If we learn to bear the pain then we will grow in gentleness.

Worry is the biggest word revolving around most of the people in the world because of the global crisis. We are worried because we have put our confidence in something which is not God. If we put our total confidence in God and His Word, there is no place for worry in our life. Worry will always make us focus on problems more than solutions. God’s Word is the only solution we have in the time of crisis big or small. We have to have fellowship with His Word daily so that our confidence in His Word grows everyday so that we will be at peace in midst of any crisis in our life. We have to remember always that crisis has come in our life or in the world not to destroy us but to change our direction towards God.

If we are gentle in midst of all the pains we have and if we are peace when we are facing hard times we have to understand we have reached perfection.

Date: 13: 05: 2020.

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