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Thursday, May 21, 2020


Word of God says in Psalm 55:22 - Cast your burden on the Lord, and He will sustain you; He will never permit the righteous to be moved.

In today’s world most of the people carry their burdens on their shoulders and without any reason they pierce themselves with unbearable pain.

God’s Word clearly says that we have to throw away our burdens on the Lord so that Lord will strengthen us and also lighten our burdens. God knows that we as humans can carry certain weight of burdens in our life but once weight of the burdens becomes more we have to act immediately and give everything which is burdening us to the Lord so that we can live peacefully.

Many of us because of carrying the burdens everyday and adding to it burdens every day we have called upon us sickness and different kinds of pains. God has always said to give our burdens to Him but we because being busy in the world most of the times forget to give our burdens to the Lord.

We have to carry whatever possible for us joyfully, once something is becoming heavy and stealing our joy then we have to understand that we have to give it immediately to the Lord so that our burdens may become lighter.

Most of us when we pray in the morning give all our burdens to the Lord and after that we start thinking about our burdens and start worrying about it, the moment we worry about our burden we will receive back from the hands of the Lord our burdens showing our lack of trust in Him and because this most of us who take our burdens back fall trap to oppression and depression.

Burdens in our life may have come because of our errors but Lord works something good through that burden if we trust in Him. Burdens have not come in our life to kill us but to build us so that we may learn to carry burden of the Lord joyfully. Burden of the Lord is nothing but saving all lost souls and bringing them back to His kingdom.

Date: 21: 05: 2020.

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