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Tuesday, May 12, 2020


“All that is in the world is vanity except to love God and serve Him only.”  The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A Kempis.

We all because of the influence of people who are rich and famous we will have desire burning inside of us to become like them. Truth is we can work towards it and become like them but towards the end of our life all will be vanity.

Worldly influence will always blind our mind and we will go to any extent to achieve the success. We have to understand if we are interested to have success in the world at the expense of our spiritual life it will become the biggest and worst decision of our life.

We have to understand we are created by GOD to love Him and serve Him. To love Him in every situation is not as easy as we think but in reality it is the most difficult task of our life. When our life is going good we may feel like loving GOD but the real test lies in the hardest situation to love GOD.

If we ask today’s generation if we ask children what they want to become they will tell of everything in the world but very few will tell that they want to serve GOD. Serving GOD word looks very attractive but the truth is before we come to serve GOD we will be tested with fire and we will feel the heat of it in our life.

We  have to make our self ready to go through trials, sufferings, failures, misfortunes, persecution, false accusation to name a few. If we are not ready to go through all this we will not follow Jesus all our life. When we are going through trials, sufferings, failures, misfortunes, persecution, false accusation many of our close ones will come and discourage us to quit prayers, if we by any chance listen to their advice and quit prayers we will be losing all reward due to us for going through all this.

Many of us have turned into preachers overnight by attending prayer meetings and because of this many of us when we are caught up with trials, sufferings, failures, misfortunes, persecution, false accusation we start asking GOD why me? .Question we are asking only because we have not prepared ourselves .

Loving and serving GOD is the only best thing to do in a small way with great love and dedication. However small way we serve GOD it will be pleasing in the sight of GOD. Whenever GOD calls us let us not ask questions or delay but start working towards it immediately because those who serve GOD are very few in numbers.

Date: 12:05: 2020.

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