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Tuesday, May 19, 2020


 Christian prayer is a covenant relationship between God and man in Christ. It is the action of God and of man, springing forth from both the Holy Spirit and ourselves, wholly directed to the father, in union with the human will of the son of God made man. Catechism of the Catholic Church 2564.

Most of us take Christian prayer according to Bible or according to the teachings of the church or according to the teachings of saints for granted.
Most of us do not realize that Christian prayer is a covenant relationship with GOD which can never be broken as long as we live on this earth. First of all we have to understand the meaning of Covenant.
Covenant in the Bible means an agreement between God and his people, in which God makes promises to his people and, usually, requires certain conduct from them. In the Old Testament, God made agreements with Noah, Abraham, and Moses.

Only Christians have covenant prayer relationship with GOD which is not ordinary but extraordinary. This is the main reason that most of the miracles happen in Christian community and through Christian community to other religions.

Christian prayer has got power built in to bring forth any miracle great or small. We have to understand that GOD requires from us 3 things 1. Faith 2. Joy and 3. Peace.

If we are having faith we can experience miracles. If we have Joy our inner confidence in GOD increases and when we are at peace devil cannot come close to us.

To have faith, joy and peace we have to have fellowship with GOD everyday as we have fellowship with our family members. More we know JESUS more we will do everything to please Him and to stay united with Him. More we are in prayers more we will have faith, joy and peace in our life.

 Christian prayer is always inspired by the author of it that is Holy Spirit. Without Holy Spirit inspiring us we cannot write anything about prayer or about God. Let us understand that every prayer inspired by Holy Spirit will lead us to GOD.

Date: 19:05: 2020.

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