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Saturday, May 30, 2020


Faith is a supernatural gift from God. In order to believe, man needs the interior helps of the Holy Spirit. Catechism of the Catholic Church 179.

We are all growing in faith in different levels and initially everything will be easy as it is beginning stage as we move forward the challenges will get harder and hardest.

Faith is a supernatural gift from God and we should not think that we have worked for it and boast about it. We have to understand that God gives us gifts freely so that we can share with others freely, But unfortunately it is not happening in many churches and prayer groups.

God has blessed us with faith not only for ourselves but to help others and also to build the church, but the truth is today for most of us faith is become the way to achieve selfish desires.

Today we may have faith to move mountains but if we stop growing in it very soon we will find ourselves on the opposite side. I have personally met men of great faith 10 years back who are currently not in prayer because they came to prayer not to seek the Lord but to seek the solution for their problems once they got their solution for their problems most of them stop pursuing further and started their journey backwards towards the world.

It is very good if our journey starts from natural man who does not know anything about God towards Spiritual man who knows about God. The real danger is many have taken the path from spiritual man towards carnal man who knows about God but doesn’t practice it.

If our faith is not inspiring us to grow in virtues then surely there is something very wrong in our prayer. Let us not only live in faith when we have problems but to learn to live in faith when everything is going good in our life.

Date: 30:05: 2020.

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