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Friday, May 29, 2020


Love to be real, it must cost—it must hurt—it must empty us of self. – Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

Love is the word many of us understand as the world teaches us and not according to what God teaches in His Word. Most of us because of this misunderstanding we love according to the world and not according to the Word of God.

According to the Word of God Jesus is demonstrating His love for us by suffering and dying on the cross. If we love somebody then surely we have to learn to bear all the hurt coming from that person.

Classic act of love we can see between husband and wife, parents and children, teacher and students. For example if a husband loves his wife then that husband should be ready to go through pain coming to him from his wife, as the husband learns to bear the pain and move on the love grows and the same vice versa. Without bearing pain and hurt no relationship will last for long. This is the main reason many relationship are strained today.

We have to understand when we are loving someone we have to be ready to do any sacrifice no matter how hard it is. Many a times being silent when someone we love yells at us is the best sacrifice we can do and if everyone would have followed this then there would be no relationship strained or broken.

We are all having ego and we have to accept it and surrender to the Lord instead of ignoring and messing up our life. When the person we love hurts us, because of our ego coming in between we are not able to bear it and instead we would love to counter attack and make it worst. We have to empty our ego, our selfishness only then we would be able to love someone even if they hurt us.

Date: 29: 05: 2020.

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