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Sunday, May 17, 2020


“Fight like a man. Habit is overcome by habit.” The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A Kempis.

Habits we have will either take us to wrong destination or right destination. If we have cultivated good habits then surely we are walking in the right path and if we have cultivated bad habits then surely we are walking in the wrong path.

Bad habits.

We all have one or more bad habits attached to us which may be fun to us but it can be annoying to others around us. Let us now identify some bad habits most of us have which will not allow us to live according to the Word of God. Some are talking evil, some are gossiping, some are drunkards, some are smokers, some are porn addicts, some are drug addicts, some are movie addicts, some are party addicts, some are mall addicts, some love violence, some love criticising, some love fault finding, some love to be lazy, some love politics, some love to correct others, some love to blame others, some are selfish, some are greedy  and so on as the list is endless. When we are having one or more of the bad habits we have to understand whatever we want to do we will not be able to do and whatever we hate to do we will be doing.

Good habits

We all may have cultivated one or more good habits after coming to prayers. Some of the good habits are
Start and end our day with prayer, reading the Bible, reading the book of saints, reciting scriptures daily, praying for others, praying for those who persecute, blame and condemn us, increasing in faith, speaking words of encouragement to the broken ones, praying for our enemies, rising early even on holidays, respecting others, forgiving others, helping the needy, blessing everyone and so on as the list is endless. We have to understand that we have to fight very hard to break a bad habit and cultivate a good habit.

Let us study the Word of God daily so that every bad habits in us we will break and cultivate good habits so that good habits may flourish and bad habits may fade in our life.

We have to understand that because of being in fellowship with the world and also with the pleasures of our flesh we have cultivated most of the bad habits and we have switch over to have fellowship God and His Word so that we may be inspired  by God to  cultivate good habits and give up our bad habits.

Every good habit we cultivate with the help of God will help us automatically to overcome every bad habit we have.

Date: 17:05: 2020.

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