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Saturday, May 16, 2020


Word of God says in Deuteronomy 31:6 - Be strong and bold; have no fear or dread of them, because it is the Lord your God who goes with you; He will not fail you or forsake you.”

God’s Word clearly says in many places in the Bible to be strong, bold and without fear. But in reality most of us accept that we are weak and dwell in our weakness, Most of us instead of becoming bold we choose to be coward so that we can make excuses to run away from the problem instead of facing it. We also instead of living in faith we choose to live in fear.

First let us ponder on why GOD wants us to be bold, strong and fearless. We have to understand without being bold, strong and fearless we cannot win any battles coming our way. God is not interested in losers but winners, Most of us may think that we are losers but the truth is God knows that most of us are winners that is why He is encouraging us to be bold, strong and fearless.

We all may think whether it is possible for us but the truth is it was made possible to us by Jesus great sacrifice on the cross. Jesus has fought the greatest battle on behalf of all of us and defeated the devil once for all so that in future whoever believes in Jesus and speaks His Word with confidence will become strong, bold and fearless.

God knows from beforehand that people lived a defeated life because of accepting lies of the devil that we are weak, coward and full of fear. But God recognises the mistakes we are doing and also He knows because of this we are losing His blessing. God is encouraging us to become strong in His Word. Bold in our actions and fearless in every situation that befalls us.

Once we become strong, bold and fearless no matter what situation comes before us we will not be having fear but strength of the Lord to face it boldly. Once we do this Lord who leads us will never fail us or forsake us at any given situation but upholds us with His victorious right hand.

Date: 16: 05: 2020.

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