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Tuesday, May 26, 2020


Word of God says in Psalm 94: 19 - when the cares of my heart are many, Your consolations cheer my soul.

We are all living in the world which is full of empty promises, disappointments, failures and pressure to name a few. When we are going through all this our heart will be burdened with many cares.

We have to understand that when we are having many things that disturbing us in our heart instead of sleeping in depression or ignoring or talking about it with others we have to switch immediately to Jesus and speak to Him as He is the only one who can console us and comfort us in midst of this.

We have to understand that it is very easy to go through good things in our life but when we are introduced to bad things most of us hesitate to go through it and because of this we will be in great danger of falling into depression.

In midst of bad things happening to us or bad situations coming against our only hope is Jesus. If we do not read and memorize Word of God it is not possible for us to put our confidence in Him. He can comfort us or console us only through His Word. That’s why Word of God plays a vital role in midst of our troubles. Word of God is given to us not to avoid problems as some preachers preach but it is given to us to derive strength from it to overcome it as per God’s will.

If God has allowed certain things in our life no matter who prays over us we will not be free from it until the day God has destined for it. God knows exactly the day and time of our freedom from the problem we are going through but we have encourage ourselves with the Word of God everyday till the day of our freedom and after that we have to continue the fellowship with the Word of God till the end of our life.

I am very sad to notice from past 10 years that most of the Catholics who were reciting Word of God everyday when they were in problems have stopped reciting it  after their problems are solved and because of this they call upon themselves more problems in coming years.

Date: 26: 05: 2020.

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