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Saturday, May 23, 2020


Word of God says in Romans 8:18 - I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the Glory about to be revealed to us.

We were all going through one or the other sufferings in our life and those who were outside the suffering were enjoying for a moment and all of a sudden they are also caught up in the global crisis of Corona virus from past few months.

Sufferings don’t come by chance in our life but it comes because of the great mercy of God to save our soul from the fire of hell.

When sufferings come in our life instead of running around behind retreat centre and preachers let us boldly go through it as there will be great reward attached to it. We have to follow the example of so many saints who suffered joyfully and with their inspiration we will get courage to boldly face it.

We have to consider ourselves blessed when God allows suffering in our life because through that suffering something great is going to flow into our life.

When we are going through sufferings we have to go through unimaginable pains and on top of that we have to bear all the gossipers, persecutors and false accusers. This will make us feel discouraged many a times. No matter what happens we should not quit and move forward so that we may see the Glory of God shining in our life.

Any suffering coming in our life makes us better person if we accept it joyfully and also we can become bitter when we complain and grumble. It is better to suffer here instead of suffering in purgatory temporally or in hell eternally after our death. God knows exactly when to deliver us and till then we have to be patient and co-operate with God to experience great outcome.

If we co-operate with God when we are going through sufferings then surely God will deliver us from that suffering in few month or few years according to His purpose.

If we rebel, complain and grumble by not co-operating with God then we may have to live with it for rest of our life like the Israelites who started from Egypt to the promise land with great hope and all who were aged 21 and above never reached the promised land but perished in the desert because of rebelling, complaining and grumbling.

Date: 23: 05: 2020.

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