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Saturday, May 9, 2020


Do not say that you have chaste minds if you have unchaste eyes, because an unchaste eye is the messenger of an unchaste heart. –Saint Augustine.

We all live in midst of the world full of corruption and licentiousness and most of them live their way and because of this many have become unchaste.

Most of them have forgotten to think pure but always have impure thoughts about others around them. Many of us when we are speaking with our relatives or friends make vulgar jokes to make them happy but in turn we are displaying our unchaste attitude to others.

Most of us think we are chaste and try to talk decently with others but our eyes are always looking at others unchastely that’s why Jesus said when we see a woman or man with lust we have already committed adultery in our heart. We have to understand that whatever our eyes see will always attract our heart.

Today’s generation have fallen trap to everything connected to sex. It may be pornography or indecent chats or adult movies or adult games or masturbation or fornication or adultery or homosexuality and so on. Most of them watch and do everything in secret till they are caught and once they are caught they will try different ways to hide and do so that they can satisfy their lust.

Everybody is attracted to sins connected to sex because it is the sin connected to our body and whenever we commit sin against our body that is the temple of Holy Spirit we are going to be destroyed by God according to the Word of God (Read 1Corinthians 3:16-17 ).

We have to get rid of sins connected to our body because if we die immediately after committing it we will go straight to Hell. God always gives us warning but we because of lust ignore and reject the warning and welcome disaster in our life.

If our eyes are unchaste then surely our heart and mind cannot be chaste. Let us stop looking at everything which will take us away from GOD.

Date: 09: 05: 2020.

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