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Friday, May 15, 2020


Word of God says in 2 Corinthians 9:7 - Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Today in this modern era people are made to give tithes compulsory in many churches and also in many prayer groups, because of this many are running away from one church to other and from one prayer group to other.

In today’s church we have people who are very rich, rich, poor and very poor and everyone has their own way of giving according to what they want to give and this has to be respected as every individual is different.

Today’s most of the preachers are preaching around 2 subjects all the time one is money and the other one is health. Most of them look like selling money making schemes or health insurance. We have to understand that if we are having lots of money and also good health still there are possibilities that our soul may face eternal condemnation in hell.

People today are going and giving tithes not because they love GOD but because they want more money and most of the preachers all the time quote scriptures connected to it again and again to convince  people. When people understand that when they give 10 it will multiply and come to them in the form of 100 they will become greedy.

God doesn’t like any money given under compulsion but He loves people giving with their freewill and cheerful heart. Many churches have gone to extent of making membership card so that they can track the people who are giving and not giving.

Today God has put a stop for all this from past  few months so that all the people who are doing mission for God should change their preaching from money and health and preach more  on sufferings, daily crosses, repentance  so that many souls may be saved.

Let us make a firm decision so that we will not give any church or prayer group under compulsion but cheerfully so that whatever we give will be pleasing to GOD. We have to understand that healing, miracle will never bring us close to GOD but repentance, suffering and daily cross will surely keep us united with the Lord.

Date: 15:05:2020.

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