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Thursday, May 28, 2020


Word of God says in Mark 5:35-36 - while he was still speaking, some people came from the leader’s house to say, “ your daughter is dead. Why trouble the teacher any further?” but overhearing what they said, Jesus said to the leader of the synagogue, “do not fear, only believe.” 

In today’s world where most of us are going through hard times and the reasons may be many. For some who are battling with chronic illness it will be hard task to keep themselves safe from this virus, for some who may have lost job just before the virus  will have uphill task to feed themselves and their family, for some who have lost jobs after the virus will be difficult to cope up.

No matter what we are going through it will be hard to overcome without help of the Lord and we cannot expect help from the Lord without praying.

God clearly knows the suffering people in the world are going through and He will not allow more than what we can bear. Now after few months of this pandemic most of us are getting irritated, frustrated and angry and some of us are getting depressed thinking about future.
When we look with sight everything looks like it’s the end of the world and when we look with faith we will see some hope that Jesus is there and He will never fail us or forsake us but surely give us victory.

When we are in the middle of the crisis nobody will know whether we will live or die but only God knows and as He has promised in Psalm 91 no harm will come near us only if we believe in His Word or else there is possibility that we may also perish along with others.

People around us may speak whatever nonsense they want to put fear in us but we have to do as Jesus told Jairus “do not fear, only believe.” . If we do not fear about what is happening around us and only believe in Jesus then surely as Jesus raised Jairus daughter to life from the dead in the same way He will set us free from this pandemic.

Let us not waste our time in this difficult time but put our heart and mind in everything which will bring us closer to Jesus. God has given us golden opportunity to change but to take final decision is everyone’s freewill.

Date: 28: 05: 2020.

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