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Monday, June 1, 2020


Word of God clearly says in Ephesians 5:16 -- making the most of the time, because the days are evil.

In this world people who are practicing evil ways are more than those who practice God’s ways and that is why we have to be alert all the time or else we will be taken for a ride by the devil anytime of the day.

Evil one traps these four categories of people very easily. These 4 categories is summarised in 1 word 4B. We have to understand very well about this 4 B’S or else we will be misled by the devil.

1. Bad Many people who are thinking or planning to do bad to others are easily caught in the trap set by the devil and because of this they will be able to do bad and very bad things to others with the help of devils suggestions. If we have to get out of here then we have to think good, speak good about others and do good
to others.

2. BoastMany people who are having habit of boasting about their qualifications or their success or their job will be very easily trapped by the devil so that he can take them to the height of boasting so that they will fall themselves. We should learn to be humble and live a simple life even if we are in reality rich, successful so that we may not fall trap to the plans of devil.

3. BusyMany of us who are very busy with our routine work and because of this routine we fail to manage time for God and so we will fall to the trap set by the devil very easily. We have to make time everyday for God so that we may not stay at home for months because of job loss or some other crisis. Let us manage our time wisely because whatever we are busy in the world cannot save us on the day of judgement. It is better to act now or regret later.

4. BoredMany of us because of following certain routine in our life we will be happy and when something goes wrong then surely our routine goes upside down and we will be able to manage for some days and after that we will get fed up with that routine and get bored easily. We have to understand whenever we are bored devil is the first one to show up and fill our mind with suggestions and moment we accept the suggestion from the devil and walk forward  we will commit sin of  which we will not be ashamed  till we commit but once we commit we feel guilty and ashamed of ourselves.

It is better for us to manage time wisely and give our 100% in whatever we do so that we may grow spiritually everyday little by little and also when devil shows up we will be occupied with one or the other thing so that his plan fails.

Date: -- 01:06:2020.

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