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Saturday, June 13, 2020


 God is in no way, directly or indirectly, the cause of moral evil. He permits it, however, because he respects the freedom of his creatures and, mysteriously, knows how to derive good from it.Catechism of the Catholic Church 311.


In today’s world we can see many people suffering from different things like sickness, job loss, business loss, family problem and so on. Main person behind all this is devil and his companions who have taken advantage of our lack of knowledge and deceived us.
Many of us after going through this suffering we think it is from God and because of this we question God Why me?. We have to understand God is Holy and there is no possibility of mild evil also to originate from Him but devil is the one behind this. We instead of fighting back against devil we most of the time blame each other and make the situation worst.

God always allows evil in our life not because He likes but because He respects our freewill. Most of us because of our lack of knowledge instead of partnering with God, we most of the time will be partnering with devil.

Because of partnering with devil we will be able to do so many bad things and be abusive, violent and lover of evil and after doing this we will not feel sad or bad about it.

When one of our family member or friend falls trap to the devils tactics it is our duty to pray for them. We instead of praying for them we blame them, criticize them and also condemn them.

By doing this we cannot win back the person doing evil from the hands of the devil but make him worst than before. We have to fight with the devil and bring that person back instead of fighting with that person and losing that person completely.

In today’s world people are more interested in shortcuts and that’s why the people who fight against the evil have become rare and because of this devil is very busy destroying families.

God has allowed evil in our life so that He can work something good out of it. He can work something good only when we co-operate with Him by praying and also by trusting Him completely.

Date: -- 13:06:2020.

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