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Saturday, June 20, 2020


“Let temporal things be in the use, eternal things in the desire.”
The Imitation of Christ, By Thomas A Kempis.

In today’s modern world people are habited to chase after temporal things which will keep them occupied all their life to get more of it. We have to understand that world where we live is temporary for certain destined years which will open up doors to live eternally with God.

If we live in this world chasing temporal things then it is next to impossible to live with God eternally. We have put our time everyday to know more about God so that we may prepare ourselves to live with Him after our death.

In this world where we live when we are walking on the road if we just smile at the person passing by us he will not invite us to his house unless he knows us well in the same way if we just visit the church we will not be welcome to our eternal home but we have to know God personally. In today’s world people who come to church are many but the people who know God personally are very few in numbers.

When we are living in this world and work for temporal things, we should always keep in mind that our final goal as eternal life. We have to work well when we are living so that we may enjoy eternally with God forever.

We can make out that people of this generation are more interested in temporal things  that’s why they are happy when there is increase in it and sad when it is decreasing. When it comes to people who desire eternal life with God will be happy with what they have and always give praise to God in every situation.

Without having desire to live with God eternally we will not have any interest to know more about Him. If we do not have desire to live with God eternally then let us understand that we have to either live in the fire of purgatory temporally or live in the fire of hell eternally. We cannot live in deceit but work hard to reach to our final destination we have chosen.

Date: 20:06: 2020.

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