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Wednesday, June 3, 2020


My Lord and my God, take from me everything that distances me from you. My Lord and my God, give me everything that brings me closer to you. My Lord and my God, detach me from myself to give my all to you.–Catechism of the Catholic Church 226.

In today’s world people are flocking to church, retreat and novenas only to seek solutions to their problems. Most of them want something from God to satisfy their desire but they do not want to live a life pleasing God.
We have option available to us either to please God or to please ourselves but the reality most of us try to please ourselves and live like blind people thinking that we are doing everything right.

We all have so many desires, attachments and pleasures which will take us away from the Lord and most of us are aware of it and not interested to get out of it because it gives us momentary happiness.

God has clearly stated that we should worship Him with undivided heart but the truth is most of us are praying to God with our lips and our heart is far away.Most of us have divide heart and because of this we will not be able give our 100% in everything we do.

We all have to make time everyday to analyze our life and see the things we are doing wrong which is taking us away from the Lord. Without analyzing we will not know the wrongs we are doing till the end of our life.

      We also have to develop a new habit which is going to bring us closer to God. Without doing this we cannot get out of all habits which will take us away from God.

We also have to reduce all our attachment to money, house, vehicle and people so that we may get attached only to God and His Word. When we get attached to God and His Word we will not be disturbed in the time of calamity and also we will overcome every calamity with the help of God and His Word.

Date: -- 03:06:2020.

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