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Tuesday, June 23, 2020


 Angels are spiritual creatures who glorify God without ceasing and who serve his saving plans for other creatures: "The angels work together for the benefit of us all" Catechism of the Catholic Church 350.

Angels are spiritual creatures created by God when He created heavens. Angels always listen to the voice of God and does everything He commands them. God has destined angels to help humankind when they are distressed or disturbed or depressed.

Truth is most of us do not even have the slightest idea about angels because most of us do not want to know. God has not predestined any soul to hell but because of our ignorance or because of our stubbornness or because of our pride and ego we choose to go to hell ourselves.

God cannot stop anyone who wants to go to hell because He respects our freewill. God tries His level best to bring back every soul back that why He sends angels on a mission to save us.

Angels will be hidden from our eyes because most of us are spiritually blind like In the olden day’s prophet Elisha’s servant Gehazi was spiritually blind and because of that he could see the big army of Assyria surrounding them but when Elisha prayed to God to open His spiritual eyes then He could see army of God bigger in numbers. Only when our spiritual eyes are opened we can see angels clearly as Mother Mary, Jesus, Zechariah saw.

Every one of us has been given Guardian angel so that we can be enlightened by them when we are in confusion, we can be protected by them when we are in serious danger, and we can get answers for something we are praying for.

Most of us live like we are alone by ourselves and do not even understand that God has given Guardian angels for everyone. If 7.7 billion people would have asked help from their respective Guardian angels then I think there was no chance for devil to enter anyone’s life.

Let us ask help of angels and also our guardian angel when we are broken or sad or oppressed or tempted or inclined towards evil so that we may receive timely help and freed from it or else we will be in danger of committing great sin and also sometimes because of being careless our life may end in suicide.

Date: -- 23:06:2020

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