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Tuesday, June 30, 2020


Word of God clearly says in Proverbs 17:5 -- Those who mock the poor insult their Maker; those who are glad at calamity will not go unpunished.
We all are living in the world with people around us who are very rich, rich, self sufficient and poor.

God has created rich and poor for a definite purpose and plan. God’s plan was to make rich to share their excess with the poor so that through sharing love will grow.

Truth is the very rich and rich category people most of them are selfish and misers. That’s why we see poor people are becoming poorer and the rich are becoming richer.

Today we see differences between rich and poor even inside the churches. It’s very hard to see all this when we are in prayers but nobody is ready to step up to change it.

We have to thank God that He will never discriminate between rich and poor on the day of judgement. On the day of Judgement president of a country and the poor man will stand next to each other.

Today we see rich people abusing the poor and also insulting them instead of giving small of what they have to make them happy. Those who insult the poor insult the creator.
When we are going through problems many will come and make fun of us and become happy, when they do this they have to understand that their punishment is near. It is better for us to help someone who is suffering so that we may be blessed instead of being happy at their downfall and get punished by God.

Let us not think when we are rich that we will never become poor because anytime in our life one wrong decision can lead us to poverty. If we are rich then let us give small portion to those who are suffering, under privileged and poor so that we may grow in kindness and love.

Date: -- 30:06:2020.

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