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Monday, June 22, 2020


It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels. -Saint Augustine

Lucifer and his companions were beautiful angels who were in charge of music ministry in heaven and they rebelled against God because of their pride and all were cast out of heaven to earth that’s why they are called fallen angels who roam around the world telling lies, deceiving and suggesting people wrong words to speak and wrong thing to do so that they may drag that soul to hell.

This is the main reason people in today’s world are inclined towards evil more than good. Devil and his companions main aim is to spread lies and make people believe in lies like truth so that it will become part of their life. Devil also makes many to be proud of themselves by either highlighting their success or qualification so that they themselves may fall after sometime.

Without God choosing to send His chosen ones in those who are living with lies and deceit of the devil they will not know the truth which will set them free.  In today’s world even if God send His chosen ones still very small percentage of people will accept and rest reject and walk away.

When we are in the fellowship with God and His Word the first thing we have to learn is to be humble, without being humble it is not possible for God to teach us new things. When we are humble then we will become like angels who are powerful. God wants to teach us everyday new things if we are ready to learn but the truth is most of us after attending 7 day retreat or being part of prayer group for few months we think we know everything and fall into pride which will connect us to the devil rather than God because God’s word says in book of James that God opposes the proud and gives Grace to the humble.

Let us make decision to ask God help to fight against pride so that we may grow into humility so that we may grow strong in faith, courage, Holiness and righteousness

Date: --22:06: 2020.

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