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Thursday, June 18, 2020


God created the world to show forth and communicate his glory. That his creatures should share in his truth, goodness and beauty - this is the glory for which God created them. Catechism of the Catholic Church 319.

God with all His wisdom and power created the world and all the living being and in the last He created human beings so that we may Know Him and also communicate with Him on daily basis.

Truth is most of us are so busy in this world that we do not have 1 hour to pray every day. If we do not pray at least 1 hour then it shows how undisciplined we are. God has given us 24 hours in a day which will be divided into 3 parts 8 hours to work, 8 hours to sleep and in balance 8 hours we have to manage time for God, time for relaxing, time for people so that our life will be disciplined. More we are disciplined more we will grow in life or else we may fall trap to failures.

People are ready to sacrifice their 8 hours sleep and work more to earn more but they do not have time to pray because they think there is no benefit in it but the truth is benefits which are in prayer is not there in the job we do because prayer can save our soul on the judgement day but even we worked in the biggest job still it cannot save us.

God wants to share His goodness, His truth, His mercy, His forgiveness and His beauty to us so that we may share with others. Today we see neither of the above around us only because we are lacking in our prayer life.

We have to understand that without having fellowship with our creator daily we cannot imagine experiencing His goodness, truth, mercy, forgiveness and beauty in our life. Without receiving from God we cannot share anything with others that is why always receiving comes first and then giving.

God also before giving us everything He will test us to see whether we are really desiring it or we are just pursuing it because of influence of others who posses it.

Let us have desire to possess in our life everything God has planned for us because we are His children and He will freely give us when ask with truthfulness.

Date: -- 18:06:2020.

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