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Thursday, June 11, 2020


Word of God clearly says in John 15:5 -- I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing.

We all are working ourselves in different levels of faith, we have to understand whether we are in the beginning or in the middle or at the top in our life of faith still without Jesus we can do nothing.

We can think that people who are top have just reached there by magic but in reality they have gone through difficult times and have overcome their through help of God so that they can teach others the same.

If we claim that we are true followers of Jesus then surely others have to see in us the 9 fruits of Holy Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.), without that we will be deceiving ourselves.

If we have grown in this a little then we have to be sure we are in the beginning stage and this stage is very dangerous because most of us are not serious in our commitment and because of this we can either take help of Jesus everyday and grow further or else we may quit thinking nothing good is going to happen.

When we have reached the middle we may not think that we are safe and relax because we will be going through different kinds of temptations and if we do not abide in Jesus then surely we may fall into temptation and we may make our journey back to the beginners and also some will become unbelievers.

When we have reached to the top in our faith we have to be more alert because devil is going to make us think that we know everything and because of this most of us will fall into spiritual pride which will bring a great fall in our spiritual life and we may walk downwards to the middle and sometimes even to the beginners and unbelievers.

Truth is when we have fellowship with Jesus and His Word daily we can be sure to grow no matter what sin or temptation or problems troubles us. We will receive strength from the Lord to overcome it and move forward.  Our fellowship with God and His Word will increase in us the fruits of the Holy Spirit which will automatically change our life of flesh into life of Spirit. When we are walking in the life of Spirit we are above the law.

Date: --11:06:2020.

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