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Tuesday, June 2, 2020


I know well that the greater and more beautiful the work is, the more terrible will be the storms that rage against it. –Saint Faustina.

We are all called by God to live a life pleasing to Him. GOD has great purpose and plan for our life. We cannot experience that purpose unless we go through storms in life.

We have to understand that God’s purpose and plan for our life is far greater than our thinking, ordinary plan and purpose. We cannot imagine the plans and purpose GOD has for us unless we make our self available to face all the storms of life boldly.
Most of us come to GOD initially seeking material things and once we receive it some of us will want to live for God without understanding the storms which is going to rage against us. Most of us because of the raging storms we instead of going forward we give lame excuse and quit prayers.

Word of God clearly says Overcome evil with good. This is a clear indication for us that evil is behind all the storm raging against us and without being strong in Word of God it is next to impossible to overcome evil .

Some of us think we are very strong in prayers but in reality when storm rages against us we think of running away instead standing against it.

Greater the plans and purpose for us greater the storms will be against us and we instead of getting discouraged , we have to quickly get encouraged through the Word of God and fight against it and surely victory will be ours.

We have to know that there will be weak storms initially when we are weak, as we get strong in the Word of God the storms also will become so strong that sometimes we come to conclusion that everything is finished and we are on the brink of giving up, suddenly like a rushing wind GOD will come opposite side of the wind and saves us. This saving power of GOD will definelty makes us walk towards His plan and purpose.

Date: 02: 06: 2020.

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