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Sunday, June 7, 2020


“Whether, therefore, we receive what we ask for, or do not receive it, let us still continue steadfast in prayer. For to fail in obtaining the desires of our heart, when God so wills it, is not worse than to receive it; for we know not as He does, what is profitable to us.”
St. John Chrysostom.

We all pray very vigorously for some intentions we have or some problems we need solutions. Most of us pray with 100% strength for few days and when nothing is happening percentage drops day by day and after few months we find us quitting the prayers and going the other way.

We have to understand that God will not answer every prayer as we want or as we planned. God answers everything in His own time some prayers He answers in seconds, some in minutes, some in hours, some in days, some in months and major of our prayers in years.

The question we have to ask ourselves is whether we are praying to God for only solutions or because we love Him. We should never quit prayers even if our solution is delayed for years because God is planning something big in our life for which He is preparing us that is the main reason it will take time to receive solutions.

For example when a child asks for bicycle as present on his/her birthday if the parents are not able to give because of different reasons the child will be disappointed for little while but will not leave the house and go but when the same child receives the bicycle when he/she least expected that child will be overjoyed.

It is same with God today we may not receive that does not mean God has rejected us but we have to understand that God is planning something better. We have to just trust in Him and move forward and when we receive it when we least expect that is the time we will be joyful and also our confidence in God will increase.

God knows exactly what we need and not what we want. We as humans have more wants than actual needs. Because of our wants increasing day by day we are not able to enjoy with what we have. It is better to receive everything according to God’s plan rather than our plan because as we have limited thinking our plans also will be small, But on the other way God’s thinking is unlimited and His plan for us is very big and once He unfolds His plan in our life then there is nothing we will lack in our life.

Let us make a strong decision to pray daily no matter we receive what we pray for or not because when we receive late that clearly means we are going receive something big than what we thought or desired.

Date: --07:06: 2020.

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