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Wednesday, June 10, 2020


lf they were of God, they would speak of God, or at least speak of nothing but according to God. -- Imitation of Blessed Virgin Mary, by Saint Ambrose.

We all claim that we are living a life pleasing to God by going to church or by praying at home. In a day we all are awake for at least 14 hours and in these 14 hours we have to analyze and see how many hours we speak the Word of God and how many hours we speak words of the flesh and of devil. What we speak more every day the same we will become.

Most of the people who claim to live a life pleasing to God live very carelessly either by speaking bad about others or gossiping about others or criticizing the church or condemn others and so on.

When we do these things we have to know that we are not living a life pleasing to God instead we are living a life pleasing to ourselves and also pleasing to devil. When we are living a life pleasing to God we have to learn to speak the language of God that is Love.

What we speak decides where we belong and also what we speak today will decide our tomorrow’s harvest. If we speak wrong then surely our life will be full of wrongs. First we have to change then God will change everyone around us and also everything going wrong in our life.

Most of us because of speaking words of the world and the flesh have destroyed our life and after destroying our life instead of blaming ourselves and changing we blame others and also sometimes God for it.

Words we speak will lead us to its destiny. If we speak Word of God we will surely be with God no matter what happens, if we speak Word of the world or flesh then surely we will be depressed or sad or angry when something goes wrong in our life.

Let us learn to read the Word of God daily so that we may speak the Word of God with others which will build them up instead of speaking words of the world or flesh which will not benefit them.

Date: 10:06: 2020.

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