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Monday, June 29, 2020


Word of God clearly says in Proverbs 18:21 -- Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.

Death and life are in the power of our tongue that’s why we have to be careful before we open our mouth and speak something.

We all have to go through hard times in our life in one or the other point in our life, when we are going through hard times we have to be extra careful because speaking about our hard times with others who are worldly will not solve our problems but will make it worse.

We have to learn to speak Word of God when we are going through hard times because Word of God has power built within to make us overcome hard times.

When we are going through hard times or simple problem instead of running to God we run to people and make our problems which are in secret exposed to public, by doing this we have to face the harsh words, rash judgement and also lengthy advice from the people.

God is the only one who can solve our problems and He solves our problems through His Word. We have to learn the Word of God so that we may not fall to the traps devil will set in front of us. When we start reciting Word of God today miracle sometimes will happen in a day, sometimes in a week, sometimes in a month and sometimes in a year. We have to be ready for all these and never quit reciting Word of God till we receive what we are praying for.

We have to understand that whatever we sow we will reap; we cannot speak about our problems with others and expect solutions from God. If we want solutions from God to the problems we are going through then we have to put our heart and mind in the Word of God which will surely solve our problems.

Many of us are trained by the worldly traditions to speak exactly what is happening in our life but when we come to God in prayers we have to stop talking about the wrongs which is going on in our life and start speaking the Word of God with ourselves and also with others around us and also live as nothing is gone wrong in our life so that final victory is ours.

Let us make our best effort to speak life when we see deathlike situation in our life. God will surely intervene in our problems and will give us the best solution which we have never thought in our mind. Let us discipline our tongue to speak Word of God instead of speaking things which are unprofitable.

Date: --29:06:2020.

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