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Friday, June 19, 2020


Word of God clearly says in John 14:15 -- If you love me, you will keep my commandments.

We all go to church regularly and some in addition to this they go to prayer groups or retreats and also pray in their homes. We have to examine our life and see whether all this has benefited us. If not there is seriously something wrong within us.

The wrong within us can be sin or addiction or vices or bad habits or any other reason. When we love all these in our life then it will be next to impossible to love the Lord.

Most of us because of the influence of retreat or prayer group or church activity we have learned to say “I Love the Lord”. This we say not because we really mean it but because of habit. If the same people who say I Love the Lord will be allowed suffering or pain immediately they start asking God Questions.

When we love the Lord then surely our love towards Him will not be only words but truth in action. When we love the Lord then surely we love everything He says. But the truth is in my prayer life past 10 years I couldn’t find a single catholic who has read Bible from Genesis to revelation once.

Our Catholic brothers and sisters are interested in taking shortcuts that’s why most of them read only New Testament or mass readings. By doing this our knowledge about God will be limited and because of this we struggle the most when we are going through crisis.

If we do not know God’s Word then it will not be easy to love God when adverse situations strikes in our life. Without knowing God’s Word it is not possible to obey His commandments.

God is not interested in people who shout Praise you Lord, Thank you Lord and Love you Lord when miracle happens in their life and after that they will become busy in their worldly affairs but God is interested in those who obey His commandments which will display our love towards God automatically.

Date: --19:06:2020.

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