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Friday, June 26, 2020


Word of God clearly says in Hebrews 13:6 -- So we can say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can anyone do to me?”

We all have fear of situations or people coming against us only because we do not seek the help of the Lord. We have to understand that every situation or people coming against us can turn into lesson or blessing.

We have to understand without asking Lords help it is impossible to overcome situation or people coming against us. Lord is the only strength in midst of all we are going through. Without God’s help we will surely fall into fear, worry, stress, oppression and depression which will end in suicide which is cowardly act. We all may think we are strong but the moment the situation or people come against us our strength fades and we will become weak and only think of giving up instead of fighting with the help of God.

If God has allowed a situation or people in our life for us to learn lesson out of it then we have to quickly learn the lesson or else that particular situation or people will not go away from us and when that situation or those people stay with us for long time we will get angry, irritated and rebellious instead of learning the lesson from it and overcome the situation and also people.

If God has allowed a situation or people in our life to bring us blessing then we have to be sure that devil will try his level best to destroy the blessing. If we are alert and be calm then surely the blessing is ours. We should not fear the devil because he is the defeated enemy. Jesus defeated the devil when He went through persecution, suffering and death on the cross without committing a sin and He went through all of this to redeem us from the slavery of sin.

Today people who are reciting God’s Word in midst of trouble have become rare and because of that most of us live in fear instead of faith. Lord has put all His power in His Word and without speaking His Word we cannot experience His power and strength in our urgent need.

 God has allowed a particular situation or person to come against us because through that He can uproot all our fears. Fear always makes us take rash decision. When we take rash decision because of fear we will make our situation worst instead of making it better. When we are in the fellowship with God’s Word our confidence will grow and along with that courage also will grow. We have to understand when God is with us no situation or people can stand against us all the days of our life.

Date: --26:06:2020.

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