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Tuesday, June 16, 2020


Word of God clearly says in 2 Timothy 2:3 -- Share in suffering like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.

We are called to be a good soldier of Christ in whatever we suffer on this earth. We cannot become good soldier of Christ unless we become strong in the Word of God.

We have to possess the quality of a soldier when we are in prayer, let us analyze some of the great qualities of a soldier 1. Soldier is always alert 2. Soldier is always ready for war 3. Soldier is ready to sacrifice his life 4. Soldier is fearless 5. Soldier always plans 1 step ahead of the enemy inorder to defeat them.6. soldier never relaxes 7.Soldiers are always on duty.

We have to analyze our life and examine whether we possess these 7 qualities of a soldier if not we will be always on the losing side. This is the main reason God is looking for courageous people.

When we are going through any sufferings in our life we have to be very alert so that enemy will not trap us in his deceit. When we are going through sufferings devil is the one who attacks us by making us rebel against God, we have to be ready to fight the devil with the Word of God. When we are going through suffering we have to be ready to sacrifice our pleasures so that our suffering will be complete and having full effect.

When we are going through sufferings we have to be fearless so that we may not fall into oppression and depression and alsoh quit. When we are going through suffering we have to plan our day properly by giving more time to prayer so that we may not lack strength to go through it.

When we are going through sufferings we should not relax thinking it is finished, the moment we do it the devil will be waiting to strike us. We have to recite Word of God, Holy Rosary and Divine mercy chaplet everyday till we overcome suffering through our prayers.

When we are going through suffering we have to understand that we are on duty to safeguard ourselves from the schemes of the devil and empower ourselves through the Word of God. If we forget our duty then surely we may fail before reaching to our destination prepared for us by God as a reward for going through all the suffering allotted to us.

Date: --16:06:2020.

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