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Monday, June 15, 2020


Divine Providence watches over the just, and often leads them by the way of humiliations to the term of merit and glory.-- Imitation of Blessed Virgin Mary, by Saint Ambrose

Divine providence is nothing but God’s intervention in our daily life to make our life from ordinary to extraordinary. To lead ordinary life like most of us do it is easy but to lead a extraordinary life as planned by God is very difficult and only few chosen ones of God will take it.

When we are leading ordinary life our responsibilities are less compared to extraordinary life. When God intervenes in our life we have consider ourselves blessed because everyone doesn’t get a chance. God intervenes in life of those He has chosen according to His plan and purpose that is why we can see one Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Elijah and so on. There were none among all the people who could match them.

Many of us are called by God so that out of that He may choose few who will stand for Him in any situation like a rock.    Most of us after being called we will not be ready to go through persecution, humiliation and because this only few who wish to go through it boldly will be chosen by God so that He may reward them which will display Gods merit and glory in our life.

It is not easy as we think to go through humiliation because of the pain involved in it Only those who are strong in the Word of God will be able to go through it courageously and reap the reward for going through it. God knows our capacity of bearing pain that’s why He will allow in our life what we can bear. We most of the times without understanding our capacity to bear pain most of us struggle to go through it. God has created human beings in such a way that they can bear pain more than pleasure.

Once God has intervened in our life we have to understand that He will never leave us stranded but will reach us to the safe place. We have to trust in Him and go through everything coming our way boldly.

Date: 15:06: 2020.

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