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Saturday, June 6, 2020


Word of God clearly says in Isaiah 5:20 -- Ah, you who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

In today’s world people who call evil good and good evil are many and because of this we have be more cautious so that we may not fall trap to it.

We can see around us that many people influencing others to various things which will become a biggest burden in our life if we stay there for long. People will convince us as the salesman convinces about the product to the customer. Many of us because of getting convinced we have fallen trap to unholy relationship or alcohol or drugs or idol worship or homosexuality or abortion or yoga or karate or reiki or art of living or witchcraft and so on and because of this our children also learn the same from us.

We are getting trap to this because we do not know what is good according to the Word of God because we do not read. We are getting trapped into it to please someone who cannot save us on the judgement day.

Today’s peoples mind has gone insane to the extent of saying that prayer is a waste of time. Prayer is not a waste of time but it is a way to communicate with the most important person in our life that is our creator “God”.

Today if we practice e evil and say it is good and if we influence others to do it then surely we will be accountable for our sins and also for others sins.

Everything we practice which is not according to the Word of God is evil and when we practice evil for many days or many months or many years we will be in great danger of perishing. For some God miraculously saves from their evil practices but for others because of their stubbornness they chose to perish themselves.

If we are saved by God from practicing evil we should not do even if the top leader of the country says that it is good. We have to do what God says and not people say because on the judgement day top leaders and a beggar will be standing in front of judgement throne next to each other because all are equal. As per judgement they receive top leader may perish to hell and beggar may go to heaven and vice versa.

Date: --06: 06: 2020.

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