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Friday, June 12, 2020


Devotion is a certain act of the will by which man gives himself promptly to divine service. –St. Thomas Aquinas.

We are all saying prayers everyday but the truth is we have to ask ourselves whether we are saying it just to fulfil our duty or we are saying with devotion.

Many saints clearly say that any prayer said with devotion once is equal to prayer said without devotion 1000 times. Today we can see in the churches and many places of worship prayer is said so speedily that many of us do not even understand what we say.

When we do not understand what we say it will be just words without power. If every word of prayer we say with devotion surely the power of that prayer will increase in our life.

For example one mystery of Holy Rosary takes almost 20 minutes if we say with devotion but in most of the catholic families it said in less than 10 minutes and many families do not spend more time in prayer that is why they have switched on to Divine mercy chaplet which will take around 5 minutes to say with devotion but many of us finish it in less than 2 minutes.

Let us make a decision today to say Holy Rosary, Divine mercy chaplet or any other prayer slowly and with devotion so that we may receive miracles at our homes rather than running to places and people.

We have to understand the meaning of Devotion so that we can change our attitude towards prayer. Devotion means love, loyalty towards the prayer we say. We have to love whom we pray and also we have to be loyal even when our prayers are not answered immediately so that our prayer life will not be affected by the situation around us but our devotion towards the prayer will surely change our situation from worst to best.

When we recite prayer with great devotion when we pray with our Spirit and when we recite prayer with our mind then we want to finish as fast as we can.

We can pray with our minds only when we are alone but when we are praying with many people we feel difficult to cope up with their slowness. Most of quit group prayers not because it is not good but because it is slow.
Prayers said slowly are more powerful. We have to understand that our Spirit can say prayers in same speed at all times but our mind runs speeder than our spirit. Let us not pray with our minds but with our Spirit with devotion so that we may be benefited by it.

Date: --12:06: 2020.

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