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Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Word of God clearly says in Acts 17:30-- While God has overlooked the times of human ignorance, now he commands all people everywhere to repent,

Today we are in midst of uncertain situations which will bring worry about our future but we have to understand that we are all responsible in one or the other to bring this pandemic on ourselves. Many of us may think why God is quiet in midst of it. God is quiet because He is waits to see what people will do on their own without His help  as they were living before the crisis hit the world.
Most of the people still have not come to terms with God but trying to beat around the bush for answers. Answers cannot come from scientist or doctor or any researchers unless God puts in their mind.

In the past before the crisis began God overlooked our sins and because of this we started committing more sins and because of this pandemic has struck us and now God is commanding everyone to repent and come back to Him.

But the truth is people after 4 months still busy with making jokes about pandemic, criticizing the governments and involving themselves in many other useless things. It is better for us to repent when we are given second chance by God instead of perishing. God loves everyone unconditionally that doesn’t give us a licence to abuse His friendship and violating His laws.
When we violate law in the world we will be punished either by police or by the court but how much more dreadful punishment we may have to face for violating God’s law.

Let us turn our face to God and change our life instead of turning our back to God and our face to sin so that devil will steal our Joy and peace, kill our character and destroy our material things blessed by God.

Date: --24:06:2020.

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