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Saturday, June 27, 2020


Patience is the companion of wisdom. –St. Augustine

Patience is one of the fruit of the Holy Spirit, patience will not come automatically because we are in prayer but we have to work for it.

We all go to market to buy essential things everyday and we all have brought fruits from there. For example if we buy one apple from the market and keep it at home for days or weeks or months it will not become 2.

In the same way the fruit of the Holy Spirit starts from 0% and as we go through tests from God and pass the test then the percentage will increase day by day or else we will become impatient, when we become impatient it will be difficult for God to work great things in our life.

Impatience in the companion of foolishness and patience is the companion of Wisdom. This clearly states that we may lack patience if we have faith but when we have Wisdom of God then we will be having patience.

Person with impatience will always have insecurities, sorrows and worry in their mind because they think God has forsaken them or abandoned them but the truth is God is busy teaching them to be patient.

When we are going through trials, persecution, misfortunes, failures, disappointments and partiality, we have to be patient and keep our focus on God and His Word or else devil and his companions will take control of our lives and make us their slaves.

For a person with impatience every simple problem is like a big mountain and for a person with patience every impossible situation is like Small Mountain because both look at problems differently. People with impatience live by sight that’s why they feel that everything is finished and there is no way ahead and people with patience feel that everything which is going on is temporary and it will move anytime from their life.

Today in midst of crisis we are seeing up rise in suicides with celebrities and business related people because of their impatience. We have to understand that the measure of suffering we go through in this life is not going to equal the Glory of God which will be revealed to us.

No matter what problem we are in let us be patient so that God will work something great out of it. Let us read Word of God daily so that our hope increases and when our hope increases then patience also increases and we will be able to wait for the Lord for His solutions to our problem. God will delay but will never deny unless it is not according to His purpose and according to His plan.

Date: --27:06: 2020.

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