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Friday, June 5, 2020


Pride is the cause of the poverty of many Christians, who are so greatly destitute of the riches of Grace. -- Imitation of Blessed Virgin Mary, by Saint Ambrose.

In this world most of the people live with pride believing in their abilities that is the main reason this pandemic has struck us to show that how helpless we are without God.

When we are living with pride most of us mess up our spiritual life and because of this the values of life decreases and corruption increases. We have to understand that God opposes the proud. When we are opposed by God then surely we have to understand that we may have success for a while and after that starts series of failures and disappointments.

Pride is the main cause of spiritual poverty among us and that’s why we find people asking for prayers are more than people praying. We all who are living with pride lack Grace and because of this we are unsatisfied with whatever we do.

When we lack Grace in our life no matter how much we earn we will spend it all or more in unwanted things like alcohol, drugs and sex and because of this most of us fall into bad loans and debts. Grace is not earned by us because we do something good but it is given freely by God to fill the gap to receive blessing. Without Grace of God we cannot think of receiving great things in our life.

Let us examine our life everyday and see whether we are living with pride or whether we are humble. If we are living with pride then surely before the fall comes let us turn to God or else we may have to go through hard times for which we have to prepare ourselves to go through it.

Date: 05:06: 2020.

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