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Thursday, June 4, 2020


Word of God clearly says in John 3:20 -- For all who do evil hate the light and do not come to the light, so that their deeds may not be exposed.

People who practice evil in this world are many and because of this in every family at least one or more will be there who are doing evil.

People who do evil hate people who are in prayers and they all the time try to discourage them or criticize them for doing prayers. People who do evil are afraid of people who are in prayers because they are afraid that everything they do in secret will come to light that’s why most of the people who are doing evil wish to stay in darkness.

Many families are broken and shattered because of the evil deeds of one member belonging to that family and because of this they have to maintain faith, patience and courage till God exposes the evil deeds of that person or else they will be oppressed by the devil and get into depression and if depression prolongs they will slip into despair and it will end in suicide.

We have to understand that we can hide from our loved ones and do all evil deeds in secret but this will last for a while and one day surely God will expose us in midst of people.

People who do evil and the devil have one quality in common that is both are shameless. Even after committing the biggest sin the people who are practicing evil boast with others their shameless deeds.

In today’s world devil has deceived and kept many people in darkness so that they may not see the light, so that they may not know the truth and because of this they are led by the devil deceitfully to their final destination that is hell. For many of them God in His mercy and Grace saves them at the last moments of their life and change their destination from hell to purgatory and if they are not saved at the last moments then they have to suffer eternally with the devil and his companions forever in hell.

We have understand that when one practices evil in the same house we are living then we have to be extra careful so that we may not talk about their evil acts but in turn we will pray to God. God will surely come to our rescue and change that person little by little from inside and within few months or few years we can see change from outside, till then we have to pray and be patient.

Date: -- 04:06:2020.

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