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Sunday, June 14, 2020


Word of God clearly says in 2 Corinthians 5:21 -- For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

Jesus by going through lots of suffering and dying on the cross made us righteous. We because of either not understanding the sacrifice of Jesus or because of our ignorance make a big mess of our life.

Jesus did not commit any sin so that they had to persecute, flog, spit, crown with thorns, make Him carry the cross, nailing Him on the cross and dying on the cross. This all happened because of God’s great love for humankind, He did not hesitate to sacrifice His only Son for our sake.

Jesus did not commit any sin but He died for our sins so that we may be freed from the slavery of sin and be made righteous according to the word of God.

According to the Law every person who sinned was put to death but Jesus without committing the sin died for our sake because of the love He had for us. He died for our sake and suffered all the punishment due to our sin. Today if we have come to prayer or if we have become righteous it is only because of Jesus great sacrifice on the cross.

God did not do anything without planning it to perfection. God’s perfect plan was revealed to all only after Jesus death. Wages of sin is death, if we are committing sin daily and if we are alive it is only because of the great sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Let us honor the sacrifice daily by living a life pleasing to Him.

Jesus because of His great sacrifice on the cross He choses who is considered as least in this world to be the best. Gods ways are mysterious and we will not understand in the beginning but surely we will understand in the end.

Date: --14:06:2020.

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