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Tuesday, June 9, 2020


Word of God clearly says in Philippians 1:29-- For He has graciously granted you the privilege not only of believing in Christ, but of suffering for him as well—


We all because of human weakness have great fear about the suffering that is why most of us are scared to death before the suffering starts in our life. We are comfortable when it comes to believing in Jesus and when it comes to suffer most of us try to run away from it.


Most of us because of attending prayers or reciting prayers at our homes we believe that Jesus will do something good for us but when it comes to suffering we all are like the apostles who were talking big things but when their time came to suffer with Jesus they all abandoned Him alone and ran away in different directions.


We all choose to believe Jesus because of receiving something from Him and we choose not to believe when the answer to our prayers are delayed.


Sufferings will not come by chance but it will come according to the plan and purpose of God in our life. Suffering is allowed in our life so that we are refined like pure Gold. When we are refined it will pain, it will hurt, it will make us depressed and suicidal. We have to take help of God immediately by switching on to His Word or else we may be caught by the devil.


When we accept sufferings in our life and bear it joyfully we will imitate Jesus when He suffered on earth to some extent.

In today’s world people are not ready to suffer but want to get blessed by God to satisfy their worldly desire. God is more interested to save our soul rather than blessing us with material things so that we may not slip further away from Him.


We have to make a strong decision that we will stay with Jesus no matter what sufferings we are going to face. When we make this decision then surely our life will change and we will start living for God instead of ourselves.

Date: --09:06:2020.

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