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Monday, June 8, 2020


 God shows forth his almighty power by converting us from our sins and restoring us to his friendship by grace. –Catechism of the Catholic Church 277.

We are all sinners and in need of God’s Mercy and Grace everyday or else we will all perish in our sins. When we were living in sin we were most of the time careless towards Word of God and because of that devil deceived us every day so that our journey started with a small lie and as we moved forward in it thinking that this is the way we have to live we have grown in sin and because of that we cannot even think in our dreams that we would be able to commit such great sins without having any sorrow that is why most of us choose to live with the biggest sin for long.

When we live with the biggest sin for long we are calling on ourselves sickness and problems. Most of us want to live with sin because of pleasure in it but most of us do not understand the adverse effect of it in our life.

It is clearly evident in this modern world that sickness is increasing because of sin and that is why the most benefited among all is medical professional and hospitals as they will make most of our money as theirs for treating our sickness. Because of sin most of us are on the losing side.

God displaying His power will be able to convert some of us who are willing to co-operate with Him from life of sin to life of Grace.

The moment we are converted then starts real challenge of facing the devil and rejecting all the things coming from him once we have accepted when we were leading a life of sin. It is very easy accepting suggestions of the devil and commit sin but it is very difficult to reject devils suggestion and walk with God.

God has made everything difficult because He wants to test us in these difficult moments whether we are for Him or for ourselves or for the devil.

Date: -- 08:06:2020.

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